For as little as $10 per month you can help us ensure that the youth mentoring programs offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Vancouver Island will continue to change young lives in our community for the better.
YOUR Monthly Gift will make a difference in the lives of Children in our Community!
YOUR gift will match an at-risk child with a professionally screened and evaluated adult mentor. By simply installing an adult mentor into the life of a child either inside or outside of a school setting, they are more likely to:
- avoid drugs, alcohol and the juvenile justice system,
- improve relationships with their family, peers and most importantly- themselves
- improve in school and deal with pitfalls such as bullying
- Learn important life skills and learn to interact well with their peers
Why Join the Monthly Giving Program?
For many years in Central Vancouver Island our Agency has been a resource for children who are in need of a mentor to help them navigate through the difficulties they face.
Many children are waiting for a Mentor and we need many more caring adults to fulfill this role! With your help we will be able to recruit, screen train and match more adult and teen volunteers with the children on our waitlist. We also want to expand our programs into more schools and geographic areas and therefore serve more children.
Choose a membership level that is comfortable for you!
Choose a membership level that is comfortable for you and works within your budget. we have set up four membership levels, pick one that works for you:
$100.00/month ($3.33 per day)
$50.00/month ($1.67 per day)
$25.00/month ($0.83 per day)
$10.00/month ($0.33 per day)
Choose how you would like to give
Option A: Come into our office at 2030 Northfield Road with either a Void Cheque or Credit Card and join that way.
Option B: Join online by Clicking the “Donate Now” button below. You can set a one time or monthly giving level and contribute on your credit card or Paypal account. You can also designate your giving by fund as well.