Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Vancouer Island has been closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation around COVID-19 and the response in our community.
The well-being of our supporters, volunteers, members, staff and the children and families we serve are of deep concern to us. We want to ensure that we are taking the necessary steps to ensure everyone’s safety while continuing to support our communities’ most vulnerable youth.
To ensure that our practices align with the latest recommendations from local, provincial and federal health authorities, we have decided to make the following updates to our programs and upcoming events until further notice.
Our office is closed to the public, however Staff and the Board will be utilizing the office on an irregular basis.
Also we are not accepting clothing donations at this time.
In-School Mentoring Programs have been canceled for the remainder of the year.
We are asking our Community-Based matches and In-School matches to stay connected while practicing social distancing.
Please check in with your Mentoring Coordinator for more direction and for tips on how to stay connected.
If you need to contact any of our staff please reach out by email !
Executive Director, Jennifer Kemp : jennifer@bigscvi.ca
Director of Service Delivery , Stephen Cochrane: stephen.cochrane@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Program Coordinator, Taylor Oriecuia : taylor.oriecuiea@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Administrative Assistant, Cheryl Vaughn: cheryl@bigscvi.ca
Big Deals Boutique, admin@bigscvi.ca / www.bigdealsboutique.ca