Help us celebrate National Big Brothers Big Sisters Month
this September!
September is Big Brothers Big Sisters month across Canada and it gives Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Vancouver Island the opportunity to shine a light to the needs of “at-risk” children in our community. BBBS relies heavily on the strength and dedication of its volunteers who, through their commitment and support, make a profound difference in the lives of children and youth in our community. National Big Brothers Big Sisters month is an opportunity to demonstrate the need for positive role models in the lives of children-at-risk through our community programs.
Flag Raising at Nanaimo City Hall
Friday, September 7th at 2:30 pm
We will be launching Big Brothers Big Sisters Month by having an official flag raising ceremony at Nanaimo City Hall on Friday, September 7th at 2:30 pm. Our Mayor and other officials will be present to officially launch Big Brothers Big Sisters Month. We will also be doing a Facebook Live Broadcast at the event so stay tuned to our Facebook page for that!
Join our 20/20/20 Campaign
For the month of September we are challenging 20 individuals or organizations to make a monthly donation commitment of $20.00 per month for 20 months. We are also challenging local businesses or organizations to make lump sum donations for Big Brothers Big Sisters Month. Our fundraising goal for the campaign is $20,000. Reaching this goal will allow us to expand and grow our programs in the community and reach even more children in need of a positive role model in their lives! You can join the 20/20/20 campaign by contacting our office at 250-756-2447 or you can join online by clicking the logo below. You will get a tax receipt emailed to you.

We are recruiting volunteer mentors especially in our In-School Mentoring, Go Girls and Game on Programs. Even a commitment of one hour per week can make a huge difference in the life of a child! More details on each of these programs are found on the website. Just click the button below, fill out the form and someone will be in touch with you.