Here are some upcoming events to raise funds and awareness for our agency:
Oct 26 and 31st Quallicum Haunted House: Hosted by the Town of Qualicum Beach and Cloudhead Games. All funds Support our agency: https://www.facebook.com/events/506919323186995/
Nov 9/19 The great pumpkin launch and Winter coat collection with Alair Homes https://www.facebook.com/events/2304304596548223/
Nov 30/19 Santa Claus Parade:
For the last 3 years running, BBBSCVI have entered a float into the Nanaimo Christmas Parade and we are again in for this year. Wear anything teal as we have a new colour!!!! This is open to kids , parents, mentors …anyone who likes a parade.
We meet Sat Nov 30 at 4:00 on Old Victoria Rd, (look for me with the Blue pick up truck and trailer. Exact location not determined yet) BUT ON Old Victoria Rd. . We go Rain or shine so dress for the weather.
A Special “Thank you” To the Town of Qualicum Beach, Cloudhead Games, Alair Homes and The City of Nanaimo for supporting our agency…. It is sincerely appreciated!